Ready for Your Shortcut to Online Course & Digital Product Success?
Experience Product Masterclass
A 12-week program to validate, create, launch and successfully sell your very own Experience Product … With the BEST guarantee in the industry!!

What You Get:
Designing a Blockbuster Hit Starts Here
The best products start with the best and most profitable ideas — which don’t happen by chance nor by waiting for lightning to strike.
It takes a proven process to zero in on the idea with the potential to fly off the shelves.
In this module, you’ll discover my Profitable Product Idea. You will:
- Choose the best product and audience for you to profit from right now
- Make sure your Idea passes all 7 Criteria of the Profitable Niche Checklist
- Express your Idea in one simple phrase that attracts your target market in droves
- Pre-validate there’s demand for your Idea in a way that automatically lines up your future customers
- Create your Profitable Product Idea Blueprint so you have everything in one place
This process was developed over 7 years and 7,000 students, and can shave months or even years off your journey from idea to profit.
Whether you don’t have any ideas, or you have too many ideas, or you’re not sure whether your idea will work, your Blockbuster Hit Product starts here.
Turning Your Idea Into an Irresistible Offer
In this module, you’ll take your profitable idea and transform it into the kind of thing folks will line up to buy.
We call it your “Offer”, and it’s the scaffolding around your idea that makes it real. Elements such as:
- Your blockbuster course name, your price point, your guarantee, bonuses and the reasons to buy now
- The points of credibility that create massive buyer trust — even if you’re just getting started
- Your uniquely valuable “process” — how you go about getting your students results (a huge selling point)
- The social proof to start attracting paying customers immediately, even if this is the first time you’re doing this
The right offer can triple or even quadruple your sales, while the wrong offer will turn a great Idea into a ghost town.
By the end of this module, you’ll have the deep confidence that comes from knowing that everything you’re creating is exactly what your audience wants to buy.
Now you’ll be ready for Module 3, where we’ll start building!
Creating Your Minimal Viable Product & Getting to Market Fast
By the end of this module, you’ll create just enough of your new program or course to be able to start making real, actual sales to real actual customers.
So many programs stop short of this critical step, and leave you stranded, wondering how to bridge the gap between theory and practice. That’s a huge mistake, because it’s critical to test the real world response to your offer before you create your whole course or product, while you still have time to make easy changes and pivots.
Some folks hit it out of the park on the first try, while others need to refine and adjust for a few cycles before they land on just the right thing. Either way, this process ensures you never waste months and thousands of dollars creating the wrong thing.
In this Module you’ll:
- Use the “paint-by-numbers” MVP process to choose the exact pieces of your product and how they fit together
- Finalize your Launch “Blueprint”, including the exact concrete steps to get to market FAST and start making sales straight away
- Choose and deploy one of the 3 simple marketing & promotion campaigns to locate and find the people most likely to want to buy from you
- Copy/paste from our pre-written campaign messaging templates to immediately have people wanting to know more (versus tuning out or scrolling past)
- Follow the word-for-word sales scripts to confidently sell your MVP and start taking money even before the end of the module!
Reach Even More People & Make Even More Sales
Now that you’ve proven your offer by making some sales, our optional Module 4 is where you can take your marketing even further by stacking 2-3 campaigns together to create a supercharged, multiplier effect.
Whether you stack simple campaigns, requiring little-to-no technology, or more robust campaigns — this is how you realize Goal X. A whole lot more. Whatever that looks like to you.
In this Module, get ready to turn a handful of sales into an avalanche:
- Get our EIGHT pre-written ready-to-go “Experience Marketing” Campaigns that you can just plug right in
- Recieve my entire vault of pre-written scripts, emails, web page templates, sales & video scripts that you can take and customize or just use “as is” — they’re yours and they’ve generated literally millions of dollars for my other students
- Create a Custom Campaign Stack that suits your dominant marketing style — whether you prefer to sell through 1:1 conversations, speaking to groups, or writing — so marketable feels easier than it ever has before
- Recieve my entire vault of pre-written scripts, emails and web page templates that you can take and customize or just use “as is” — they’re yours and they’ve generated literally millions of dollars for my other students
- Stand out with your marketing in a powerful, unique, fresh and engaging way that gets the attention of your ideal customers, which is 99% of the battle in today’s noisy marketplace, so you can make some real money
After that, we start to really dial up the “WOW” for your students…
Supercharge Your Results
Now that you’ve proven your product with real sales and you have a plan for reaching even more people and making even more money, this is where we pour fuel on the fire by “experiencifying” your course.
“Experiencification” is the process of stacking the 10 Core Experiences of The Experience Formula™ into every element of your Experience Product, to increase the effectiveness of your product by 10-30 times.
In this Module you’ll:
- “Experiencify” your program with the 10 Core Experiences of The Experience Formula™ to create an engaging experience that works with (rather than against) the brain to get your customers “hooked” on taking action and getting results
- Watch as your students spontaneously put down distractions and excuses and become “achievement machines”, focused on taking action, getting results and bringing more customers your way
- Embed a powerful process for gathering success stories right into your course, so you can quickly have dozens if not hundreds of glowing testimonials (this is how I ended up with 1480 testimonials and counting for EPM!)
What I’m Really Offering You
If there’s anything I’ve learned as a coach and mentor to over 10,000 students it’s this: If you can do it once, you can do it again… and again… and again.
Marisa Murgatroyd – The Experience Product Masterclass 2023 Contains: Videos, PDF’s
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