James Brown & Chris Blair – 2015 Netpreneur Summit

Netpreneur Summit Internet Business, Marketing & Networking Event A Weekend With The Sharpest Minds In Online Business & Marketing… A Lifetime Of Returns!       The Netpreneur Summit is an Internet Business, Marketing & Networking Event covering various strategies and methods the world’s top marketers are using right now to make a fortune from

Ben Adkins – The Evil Traffic Magician

    The Evil Traffic Magician showcases several powerful traffic techniques and gives a detailed plan on how to use them to gain sales every month. The course details several different methods for getting targeted buyer traffic in any niche. It also shows them how many sales to expect from each method (and how much

Ray Edwards – Copy Academy

Sales Video         Here’s the truth: most people find writing sales copy intimidating. You need to write persuasive sales copy. But is it possible to sell without being “salesy”? Yes! Anyone can write friendly, heart-centered, yet persuasive sales copy, when you follow the carefully constructed system you’ll discover inside The Copywriting Academy.

Mark Wonderlin – The Lead Machine

  THE LEAD MACHINE LEARN TO CREATE AN ARMY OF PEOPLE SELLING VIDEO FOR YOU Straightforward Lessons & How-to’s 100% Video- Based Training Specifically For Business Films Clientele Step- by- Step Detailed Explanations 6 Detailed Chapters Download Videos, Slides & Audio Files How to network in a strategic way How to build long lasting partnerships

Tom Glover – Mission 10K

Are you ready to finally break-through and achieve financial freedom?   “This is success coaching like you’ve never seen before” You are literally about about to learn my closely guarded “secrets”. The secrets that has built my 6-figure a year empire in only 2 years at 19 years old! The exact road map I use

Caroline Winegeart – Better Branding Course

What if you could create a memorable, professional brand for your business without paying thousands to hire a designer? And, what’s even cooler… What if you created that brand yourself? No more feeling STUCK every time you want to move forward with a new project or business idea. No more crossing your fingers that the

Kim Roach – Product Launch Academy

  “Over the Next 30 Days, I’ll PersonallyHelp You Create & Launch a Signature Productwith so Much Built-In Demandit Practically Sells Itself.” And The Best Part: We’ll do all the “Techie” Stuff for you… Let me personally help you launch your own Signature Product. And by the end of 30-days, YOU will be turning your