Ben Cummings – Amazon Fast-Track
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By signing up today, you get full access to the Traian Turcu Masterclass training with Traian Turcu, including the apps, SOP’s and ALL the amazing free bonuses. Here are a few of the things you’ll have to look forward to: On April 12th & 13th, 2019, you will join Traian Turcu in Las Vegas for
What’s Included Here’s a very comprehensive list of what you’ll get access to: MODULE 1 Preparing For Success To kick things off, we set really solid foundations. I show you how to set everything up for success, including Business Manager accounts, Facebook Pixel, Facebook Ads Polices, etc. I also show you how
Class Curriculum Per Per Call Landlord Training Intro to PPCall Landlord (10:15) PPCall Landlord Crash Course (12:48) PPCall Landlord Asset Prep (16:28) Call Tracking Made Easy (15:21) PPCall Landlord – Asset Build (8:12) PPCall Landlord – Adwords Setup (43:01) PPCall Landlord – Selling Strategy (11:23) SalesPage (more info) Archive Ben Littlefield &
100K eCom Bootcamp is proven and stands the test of time. With over 12+ months of development I’ve crafted the first system that is proven to get YOU results without all the risk. Do you have 3-5 hours per day to set aside and work on your 100K Blueprint? If you do, I have
Are You Ready For The Masterclass? Social Marketing Masterclass will take you from wherever you are now, glue you to a ROCKET SHIP and fly you towards Facebook ads mastery Over 50 video lessons on every topic imaginable about Facebook ads… Module #1 – The World of Facebook Ads An overview
What You’ll Learn: Personal Brand Strategy Selecting Your First Platform Profile Optimization Writing Tools & Workflows How to Write Viral Content Networking & Distribution Platform-Specific Growth Hacks Monetization Tactics And Much, Much More This Course Includes: 9 self-paced modules Media-rich content (videos, images, text) 3 downloadable templates (Google Sheets)
How To Get 100,000+ Followers & Grow A 6-Figure Online Business What Is INSTAGRAM MASTERY 3.0 The Instagram Mastery 3.0 Program is a 4 week online program with the goal of starting an Instagram based business and getting it profitable as humanly possible and using Instagram to grow your existing business if you have
This Guy Makes 0.21 Bitcoin Per Day While Taking A Shower! Learn How You Can Earn Crypto Currency While Showering! I earn crypto in the shower almost daily. It Made Me $1,237,363 in 2017 (that is $1.2M! ) Of course I don’t earn crypto everyday but I do shower everyday. And I
The ‘Ben Settle’ Secret to… “Client-less” Copywriting How to Create Your Own $465,000 Copywriting Business… Without EVER Having to Land a Single Client… Writing Just 10 Minutes a Day, About Stuff You Love! The “Core” Program — What You Need to Start Your 10-Minute Workday Business This is the meat of it right here…
HOW ELBENBO’S NEW BOOK ABOUT WRITING PRODUCT LAUNCH & AFFILIATE CAMPAIGN EMAILS CREATES PROFITS FOR BUSINESSES THAT ARE NOTHING SHORT OF OBSCENE! Here’s a small taste of what’s inside: An old selling strategy that makes it almost neurologically impossible for people to delete your launch and affiliate emails before opening them.
Slacker Copywriting Coach Reveals Secret Way To Make Far More Money By Spending Far Less Time Writing Your Sales Copy! “I’ve quickly ‘batted’ out ads that have collectively earned tens of millions of dollars in hyper-competitive niches, and against more talented copywriters, using my near 100% fail-proof ‘Copy Slacker’ method. “Now you can, too —
What You Get: A bizarre (yet ingenious) way to use a plain text email to (1) make almost anyone trolling you look like a buffoon (2) potentially get a windfall of new business and (3) create a stronger company brand at the same time.(Believe it or not, I first learned this in
What You Get: A fast and effective way (taught by sex therapists to men with erectile dysfunction) to get over the “blank page hump” and kill writers block dead. (Page 143) How to create nearly instant belief about you and your product in your copy if you’re just starting out and nobody
What You Get: A special kind of sales pitch the “mad man” era genius David Ogilvy used to pack his agency with some of the best clients on the planet.(And, how to apply what he did to your business’s emails so you can do the same.) Page 24 A counter intuitive way for getting
If You Can Write One Measly Email Per Day, I Can Get You Swamped With So Many New Copywriting Clients You’ll Need A Waiting List Just To Handle Them All! here’s a look at what’s inside: A special kind of sales pitch the “mad man” era genius David Ogilvy used to pack his agency with
How To Double Your Income In The Next 30 Days With The Email Players Advanced Email Marketing Training Letter Not everyone qualifies to subscribe to this prestigious newsletter, and I’m not just letting ‘anyone’ in. But if you have what it takes, I’ll show you everything I know about using email to earn sales on
What You Get: The 21 most profitable ways I’ve used to combine information with entertainment (what “infotainment” means) to collectively help generate tens of millions of dollars in sales between my own business and back when I did client work. Here are just a few of the secrets I taught that day,
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