Here’s What You Get Inside:
A premium, step-by-step video course
Our 10-hour flagship facilitation video course teaches our framework for
facilitation and workshop design, and will make you an even more
confident and impactful Facilitator.
Digital Resources
Fast-track your learning with a mass of invaluable cheatsheets,
resources and templates, each based on years of practical, real-world
Core Workshop Recipes
The course includes 4 ready-to-use workshops that cover typical
scenarios in any company, business, or project, complete with video
walkthroughs, digital templates, and an exact, word-for-word script on
how to run each workshop.
Certificate of Completion
On course completion, the oficial, signed AJ&Smart Workshopper
Master Certificate of Completion will allow you to show of your new
skills to your colleagues and clients.
This Black Friday deal is for the course-only version of Workshopper
Master. If you’d like access to the Community + Coaching too, then you’ll
have the opportunity to access this afer you purchase.
You don’t need the coaching + community to get incredible results from
this program, but many of our students find it extremely useful to get
results FASTER.
“How To Get Facilitation Clients” 10h Training
In this practical, 10-hour training, the AJ&Smart sales & marketing team teach everything you need to know to be able to get facilitation & workshopping clients, WITHOUT needing a brand, a big marketing budget, or a highly-complicated marketing funnel.
10h video training
Funnel Tracking Sheet template
3 bonus sales funnel templates
“How To Run a 1,600 Person Hackathon” Training + Slides
In this video training, Facilitation Coach Rebecca Courtney takes you through the process of and learnings from running a 1,600-person workshop that she facilitated for a high-profile client.
2h video presentation
1,600 Person Hackathon Slide Deck
Co-Facilitator Training Deck
Scoping Session Template
10 hours of recorded Marketing Coaching Learn by example from over 10 hours of real-life, hands-on coaching with the experts from AJ&Smart’s marketing team.
See real-life examples and feedback on anything people need to know about marketing – ads, landing pages, funnels, copy and much more!
Over 10 hours of marketing coaching recordings with a mass of actionable, hands-on advice, insights, feedback
“How to Run a Strategy Sprint” Training, Templates and Slides
Jonathan and Tim walk you through how AJ&Smart runs high-paid Strategy Sprints for clients all over the world. A must-have for anyone who wants to facilitate strategy workshops with leadership teams, whether as a freelancer, consultant or employee!
Video walkthrough
Board template
“How to 10x your Customer Lifetime Value” Training with world-famous Executive Coach Bryan Franklin
In this video, Executive Coach Bryan Franklin shares his strategies and frameworks for dramatically increasing the value and impact you bring to your clients, and, in turn, become their “lifetime trusted advisor”.
2.5-hour video incl. Q&A
37-slide presentation
“How to Build & Grow Your LinkedIn” Training
LinkedIn is THE secret weapon for client acquisition! In this tutorial, Rebecca shares learnings and tactics from months of growing her LinkedIn presence. She’ll show you how to create perfect LinkedIn posts that hook an audience, in your own tone of voice, about the topics that interest you.
2.5-hour video tutorial on growing your LinkedIn audience
Presentation deck
“How to Become a Remote Workshop Expert” Training & Resources
In this video, Amr, AJ&Smart’s remote facilitation expert, shares how to run world-class remote workshops that give clients the best experience. This session is packed with practical tactics and best practices to take your Remote Workshops to the next level!
2.5-hour video presentation incl. Q&A
Event presentation board for Mural
Client Onboarding templates for Miro and Mural
Templates for calendar invites, onboarding messages, and questionaires
3h “Essential Tactics to Grow on YouTube” Training
Juan Elinan, AJ&Smart’s resident video content creator and YouTube expert, shares the exact tactics we use to grow our YouTube audience, generate engaging video ideas, and capture viewers’ attention.
3-hour Video presentation, incl. Q&A
Presentation Slides with Presenter Notes
“12 Principles Used by AJ&Smart” Cheatsheet
Aj & Smart – Workshopper Master Contains: Videos, PDF’s
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